Saturday, December 9, 2023

Natural Hair Relaxers

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There is no way to turn curly hair straight without heat or chemical, but there are ways to naturally loosen the curl. Try these natural relaxer to naturally straighten hair. While they are not going to have the same straightening results as a chemical relaxer, it's certainly a safer more natural approach. 

Amino Acid Treatment

2 part yogurt
1/2 part baking soda
1/2 part Braggs Amino Acids

Baking Soda Loosener

1/2 cup of baking soda
1 cup conditioner
leave on for about an hour then rinse out.

Yogurt/Honey/Bananas Mix

1/2 cup yogurt(or sour cream)
2 tablespoons honey
1 mashed banana

Coconut and Lime Treatment

1 tin of coconut milk
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of lime juice
2-3 tablespoons of cornstarch

Olive Oil

Olive oil can do wonder with your hair; it gives a natural softness to your hair. To use it as the Natural Hair Relaxer slightly warm ¼ cup olive oil and apply it over the entire hair. Now, blow dry a towel for five to ten minutes to make it slightly warm and cover your entire hair with it. Leave them as it is for 1-2 hours and then rinse them with a mild shampoo. for getting the desired outcome repeat the procedure after every 4-5 days.

Coconut Cream

Another natural hair relaxer is coconut cream. It not only softens the tight curls but also improves the hair texture. 4 tablespoons of coconut cream, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 12 oz fat free yogurt are needed to prepare a relaxer. First melt the coconut cream and oil in a double boiler and then put the yogurt into it. Stir them well to make an even mixture. Dab the mixture on the entire hair, from roots to tips, and hold it for one hour. After one hour wash it off with plain water.


Milk is an effective natural remedy for softening and straightening the hair naturally.   For using milk as Natural Hair Relaxer, a spray bottle will be needed. Fill the spray bottle with one cup fresh milk and spray it on the entire hair meticulously. Leave it as it is for 1 hour and then wash off with plain water. Your hair will surely become softer.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter provides enough moisture to the hair thus make them soft and also loosen the curls. Buy cocoa butter from the market and apply a thick coat of it over the hair directly. Cover the entire hair with a damp hot towel and wait for one to two hours. Rinse off with a mild shampoo after the set time over.

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