Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Darken Your Hair Naturally

Good Morning...I am a night owl because I work the night shift, but even though I am on vacation this week my sleeping schedule did not change. So this morning I think I will color my hair. I am going to share with you some natural ways to color your hair.These are geared to dark hair so do not use if you do not want to darken your hair.

 Recipe 1

Brew a strong pot of black tea, either with loose tea or two or more tea bags in boiling water. Strain. Let it cool completely before applying to your hair. Let the tea soak in for an hour before washing off.

Recipe 2 

Add 1 cup of dry sage into 2 cups of boiling water and let it sit for at least 8 hours. Apply to hair and let the mixture sit until hair is dry. Rinse off.

Recipe 3 
This natural hair color recipe brings out rich brown tones in dark hair.

  1. Simmer 1/3 cup walnut shells, black tea, cherry tree bark or whole cloves in 2 1/2 cups distilled water in a non-aluminum pot for 20 minutes.

  2. Remove from heat. After the mixture has cooled, strain out the herbs, saving the liquid.

  3. To use, apply the liquid as a final rinse after shampooing and conditioning, pouring it over your hair and catching it in a basin to reapply a few times. Allow your hair to dry naturally if you can.

  4. Do this every time you wash your hair until you reach the desired shade.
That is it for coloring...I will be adding more coloring options at a later time. Everyone have a great day.

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